It’s a digital revolution that transforms services from business to government agencies in Italy. At a basic level, digital transformation is a broad notion that explains how consumers use technology to accomplish tasks more easily or efficiently than before. Digitalization has already transformed many aspects of our everyday lives — from buying groceries to booking travel arrangements to online gambling on Golden Pokies — and it continues to evolve as new technologies emerge and become integrated into daily routines of Italians.
The digital transformation has been a long time coming, but now that it’s finally happening, the world of business and government is changing fast. The key to success in the future will be technology-driven platforms that can help businesses adapt quickly and easily. Digital transformation is the process of transitioning from analog to digital. In Italy, there is a growing awareness that technology can play an important role in the growth and success of businesses.
There are several examples of Italian companies that have embraced technological innovation in their business practices, such as ENEL and TIM. Both companies have adopted the cloud computing model for customer services, improving customer satisfaction while reducing costs at the same time. The Italian government has also adopted this model with its e-government initiative, which was implemented in 2011 through a shared service provider (SSP) consortium called Consip SPA (Consorzio per l’Innovazione nella Pubblica Amministrazione), which aims to deliver public services online at scale by 2025.
Long-term Success for Italian Companies
Technology is important for many reasons. It can help save lives by detecting life-threatening diseases early on and improving the work of healthcare professionals. New technologies will shape our future by helping to improve life expectancy and make communication easier than ever before. For example, Google glasses have been designed to provide information without needing to search through a phone or computer; they are voice activated.
Gartner’s prediction for Italy is that technology will be key to future innovation and therefore long-term success for companies in Italy, according to Gartner. The country has a mature economy, but Gartner forecasts that the country can only expect 1% annual growth over the next five years due to a lack of digital innovation.
Gartner predicts that by 2022, one-third of jobs globally will require high-level digital skills like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data and cloud computing. However, only half of all workers will have these skills by 2022; this leaves room for businesses with strong digital capabilities to gain an advantage over their competitors with low digital readiness
Technology-driven government agencies
The Future of Work and Automation Next-level process automation and virtualization is changing the future of work. Robots are becoming ever more intelligent, capable, and mobile as artificial intelligence becomes increasingly sophisticated. 50% of today’s work activities could be automated in the next few decades. This will cause powerful changes to the future of work, labor costs, and public policy. Production will gain scalability even as production lead times decline. The key question is how society should respond to these transformations.
Technology-driven digital platforms have transformed nearly every industry, and government agencies are no exception. Digital platforms make it easier for people to access services, provide security, and improve efficiency. For instance, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) website has been updated so that visitors can check wait times for different types of care — a useful tool for patients who need quick access to medical services.
Fast-Moving Virtual Reality
“We’re entering a new era in which many things that were formerly physical are now virtual,” says Sanjay Poonen, senior vice president and general manager of the global product division at Siemens. “Innovation is happening much faster than it used to.” It’s been called “The Second Machine Age,” where automation and machine learning will be capable of accelerating work processes exponentially. Many things are becoming virtualized. Virtualization is the process of making something virtually exist or work, such as a computer operating system running on top of another computer operating system. Advanced simulations and 3-D or 4-D printing continue to dematerialize processes and make them virtual, dramatically shortening development cycles. As an example, design and product development through visualized simulations of optimized prototypes will become possible with integration of design and product development through visualized simulations of optimized prototypes.
Bottom line
We’ve seen that the digital transformation is happening in Italy, and it is transforming both business and government services. We believe that this trend will continue to grow over time as new technologies emerge.